Saturday 15 January 2011

Captain's log #3395 - On the biggest muscle

Ok, ok I am going to come clean from the beginning, I am reading "Switch" a book about change as prep for my upcoming BPI course. Being 3/4 through it I can safely recommend it - having been determined to hate it ;-) as it is written by somebody with the name Chip.

My mentor, Mike Benzing, used to refer to "using the biggest muscle", when he ment for me to engage my brain and change my point of view. I am sure somewhere in my blog I have referred to this before - I like the idea of thinking about my brain as something that can be exercised. After all exercising a muscle means its performance improves and it can be made to do things it could not before.

So I was delighted to find a reference in "Switch" in a chapter about fixed and growth mindsets. Summarising ruthlessly I'd say it goes something like this:
- if we have a fixed mindset, we will generally not be open to the possibility of changing ourselves and this means we cannot achieve our full potential
- if we have a growth mindset, we accept that things are hard before they become easy and that it takes training and exercise of the biggest muscle to move on

Good book, it triggered a lot of thoughts even though I don't agree with everything (when do I ever) in it.

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