Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Captain's log #3389 - How to please your boss #2 - The most important things

Forget (for a moment) about your objectives. Your boss will naturally assume you are working on those and that you are doing your "day-job" ok. From time to time though you should quiz your boss about what's on hers or his mind. What are the pressure points, what are the current priorities. Volunteer to work on those. Ask where you can help. By tackling the hot issues of the day, you will be more visible and get more attention for your contributions.


  1. This is helpful...

    It'll be great if one of these addresses the issue of how to tell "the inconvenient truth" to the boss...because there are few stories which are not rosy! but must be communicated.

  2. mmmm - I will think about that
