My new boss at Nielsen took me aside on my first day and said: "Here are a few things which you should do". Amongst them was a new concept for me. "You should do things which please me", he said. In fact it seemed a strange request to me at the time (and a bit unusual as it was stated so bluntly), but now, many years later, it is making total sense to me.
Those of you who are working more closely with me know, of course, that I have very specific preferences. This has to do with my personal style and knowing my strenghts and weaknesses a little better these days. But for this series, I am going to try to be more general and reflect on what has worked for me in the past. I have had 16 bosses in my life (not counting the one at home!).
How to please your boss
Rule #1 - Updates
Give short and to-the-point updates on your progress, even if you have not been asked for it. Especially if you've had a success. Bosses are busy, but this is a sure-fire way of a) cheering them up, b) giving them a sense that things are progressing, even if they haven't pushed for them, and c) you are not monopolising their time.